8 towers in Architect’s Newspaper
8 towers was featured in: The Architect’s Newspaper ‘Ordos or Ardor,’ New York, 19 November 2008
8 towers was featured in: The Architect’s Newspaper ‘Ordos or Ardor,’ New York, 19 November 2008
SsD exhibits 8 Towers, their design for the 'Ordos 100' project in Inner Mongolia, at the Architectural League of New York. Review in e-Oculus
On 21 Oct 2008, SsD will be giving a public lecture of recent works at the Rhode Island School of Design department of architecture.
SsD’s Big Dig House is featured in: ReMaterial: Del desecho a la arquitecutra Alejandro Bahamon and Maria Camila Sanjines, Parramon, Barcelona, 2008
SsD is one of 10 firms featured at pinkcomma gallery
SsD featured in Modern Shoestring, Monicelli Press
Valentine Houses is featured in Umran Magazine, Saudi Arabia
Young Architects 9: Proof, Princeton Architectural Press
SsD presents at Architalx, Portland, Maine
SsD featured in Tatlin Magazine, Russia
SsD wins 'Best of Boston' in Contemporary Category